Edisto Island, SC July 2011, © Mike Bosco

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Prayer Back on Trial in the Court of Public Opinion

Today, Gov. Rick Perry of Texas was decried for calling for a day of prayer for "God’s guidance and wisdom in addressing the challenges that face our communities, states and nation."

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/06/07/perrys-planned-prayer-event-draws-condemnation/#ixzz1OfCRqYKQ

These cries come from religious freedom groups and atheists who claim the governor overstepped his bounds, that he exclusively endorsed Christianity by praying in Christ’s name, and that he violated the separation of church and state. 

I want to take a few minutes to talk about this issue, because I think we as Americans ignore a few things way too often. 

First, like it or not, our country was founded by Christians.  This fact is one that liberal historians would like to hide from today's educational process but none the less, it is a fact – a truth.  The framers of the constitution did not envision an atheistic state when they crafted our constitution.  No, they did not see religious freedom as we do today either, and they sure didn't see a government that completely excluded religion.  The framers were God fearing men who all believed in God. 

They wanted to prevent a theocratic government.  They did not want any one church or religion imposed onto the people by the government.  They saw how theocracies devastated governments throughout history, and did not want our country to fall into that path.  Instead, they wanted a government that could be controlled by the people through a process of electing legislators and executives with a check and balance system effected by a central court.  They wanted the people to be able to choose, not be ruled over.

Another interesting anecdote from history is that while the Executive Branch of the federal government was constitutionally restricted from enjoining religion, the Congress and the states were and still are not.  One of the most poignant examples of this can be seen in Thomas Jefferson.  As governor of Virginia, Jefferson called for days of prayer and  fasting by gubernatorial decree.  As a state senator, he wrote and voted for bills calling for the same.  However, when Jefferson was president, he refrained from these decrees because he knew the president could not call for such days under the laws of the constitution. 

The whole “separation of church and state thing” came from a Supreme Court ruling in the 1950’s – not from the constitution itself, nor from a legislative process.  Basically, if you want to look at it this way, a bunch of lawyers argued and bullied their viewpoint into law via the court.  There was no debate, no voting, no majority influence.  The court’s decision became the “law” we live with today.  Understand it came from the summation of arguments made before justices of the Supreme Court.  As a result, the majority of citizens (and most people are religiously oriented, no matter what their religious viewpoint) now have no right to exercise their majority viewpoint because the court silenced them over 60 years ago.  So this is “modern, progressive thought” resulted in minority rule, or stated in other terms - imposition.

I completely support Governor Perry’s call for prayer.  Just what is so wrong with praying anyway?  What happens if it gets answered!

As a Christian, I am glad to see a governor stand up for Christ.  But more importantly, I am very glad to see a governor who is willing to acknowledge the need for people to center their hope in something more than just laws or governments.  I believe the decay of our human society today is largely accelerated by hope’s assassination by science, technology, social trends, and biased (liberal) education.  What hope can people find in the nothingness of atheism, or the greed and immorality of humanism?

If you don’t want to pray – don’t.  If you don’t want to hear the governor’s prayer – don’t listen.  But don’t denigrate people’s access to hope by imposing minority views.

Your thoughts and comments invited!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just a note you may want to write on ... DAD

Of all the stuff that I have ever passed on, this has got to be one of the most important. Please read and keep passing it on. This sounds like a great plan. I hope America gets it done!

Well over 50 yrs ago I knew a lady who would not buy Christmas gifts if they were made in China. Her daughter will recognize her in the following.

Did y'all see Diane Sawyer's special report a few weeks ago? They removed ALL items from a typical, middle class family's home that were not made in the USA .

There was hardly anything left besides the kitchen sink. Literally. During the special they showed truckloads of items - USA made - being brought in to replace everything and talked about how to find these items and the difference in price etc..

It was interesting that Diane said if every American spent just $64 more than normal on USA made items this year, it would create something like 200,000 new jobs!




Are we Americans as dumb as we appear --- or --- is it that we just do not think. The Chinese, knowingly and intentionally, export inferior and even toxic products and dangerous toys and goods to be sold in American markets.

70% of Americans believe that the trading privileges afforded to the Chinese should be suspended.

Why do you need the government to suspend trading privileges? DO IT YOURSELF, AMERICA !!

Simply look on the bottom of every product you buy, and if it says 'Made in China ' or 'PRC' (and that now includes Hong Kong ), simply choose another product, or none at all. You will be amazed at how dependent you are on Chinese products, and you will be equally amazed at what you can do without.

Who needs plastic eggs to celebrate Easter? If you must have eggs, use real ones and benefit some American farmer. Easter is just an example. The point is do not wait for the government to act. Just go ahead and assume control on your own.

THINK ABOUT THIS: If 200 million Americans each refuse to buy just $20 of Chinese goods, that's a 4 billion dollar trade imbalance resolved in our favor...fast!!

Most of the people who have been reading about this matter are planning on implementing this on Aug. 1st and continue it until Sept. 1st. That is only one month of trading losses, but it will hit the Chinese for 1/12th of the total, or 8%, of their American exports. Then they might have to ask themselves if the benefits of their arrogance and lawlessness were worth it.

Remember, August 1st to Sept. 1st !!!!!! START NOW.

Send this to everybody you know. Let's show them that we are Americans and NOBODY can take us for granted.

If we can't live without cheap Chinese goods for one month out of our lives, WE DESERVE WHAT WE GET!

Pass it on, America ...
AND; instead of doing it for just ONE month - why not try to do it all the time?

Then try this with term limits for our so called "representatives" in Washington.