Edisto Island, SC July 2011, © Mike Bosco

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Does anyone want truth, or just are we more interested in seeing who can smack the other down harder?

It has been a few weeks since I last had a chance to sit down and write a post.  So as I have a little time this afternoon, here I go!

The last few weeks have been filled with events that would have made great discussion on this blog.  We have the ending of the space shuttle program, Libya's ousting of Col. Qaddafi, the invention of the Super Committee, the east coast earthquake, Hurricane Irene, the Tea Party painted as racist sons of [a not nice word referring to female dogs] that can go to hell by democratic lawmakers who cried for civility earlier this year, the leftist press and the President himself, who of course is going to save us all by spending another trillion dollars.  I think my English teachers would shoot me for that run-on sentence!  So where to jump back in?

Bill Maher on his HBO show saying that Christians hate charity and love killing.  Thank you to my friend Steve Miller for sharing that on Facebook this morning. 

I really love how the left can't really make a good argument against anything conservative.  Instead of engaging an issue directly, they twist anything they can into a series of lies, distortions and insults.  Of course if any conservative reporter or pundent was to do the same they would face a hail storm of criticism.  This is because the press is mostly controlled by Sorros, Huffington and Turner.  So liberal rants are allowed and even encouraged.

To set the record straight, Christianity does not in any way hate charity or love killing.  In fact, the polar opposite is true.  The greatest thing anyone can do is to lay down his or her life for a friend.  Jesus said there is no greater love than this.  Can anyone explain how this pivotal precept could in any way be confused for hatred?

If the source and cause of statements like Maher's are made because Christians do not agree with homosexuality, abortion or any other anti-Biblical worldview popularized by the liberal media then criticize us directly on those issues.  Be honest enough in your rhetoric to acknowledge facts, and not distort them to a global audience by saying what is completely untrue.

Jay Leno attempted to deride Michelle Bachmann this week on a similar set of issues.  As a guest on his show, Leno tried to get her to look bad about "praying the gay away" when she had her Christian Counseling practice.  True Christianity follows the words of the Bible without equivocation.  Several times throughout both the Old and New Testaments homosexuality is called sin.  Sorry if anyone has a more liberal interpretation, but that is what the Bible says.  Bachmann's prayer approach is valid and can be defended with Scripture.

Bachmann has not once changed her rhetoric.  Anyone can tell you that she is unabashedly Christian, and lives out her Christian convictions.  When Leno realized he could not change her mindset, he razzed her for it instead.  I paraphrase here - "I have plenty of same-sex couple friends and why shouldn't they be happy in their marriages?"  Leno couldn't engage her on the principle, so he went for the smear tactic.

Really, what Leno, Maher and similar leftist mouthpieces cannot understand is that at the center of the Christian faith is a love for Christ that is absent in the secular humanistic worldview they are a part of.  They cannot see that true love starts with love for the Creator who loved us first.  They cannot understand that true charity is giving up selfish desires to do God's will.  They cannot understand how precious life is, because without knowing who God is, life has no meaning.

Sadly, I doubt that we will ever see a real debate about any issue because it has become common place to win by smear and jeer.  It happens everyday in our workplaces, in our schools, and on our televisions, laptops, Kindles and I-Phones.  Our President does it too.  Why be straightforward when you can blame circumstance or someone else for your shortcomings?

Does anyone want truth, or just are we more interested in seeing who can smack the other down harder?

As always, your comments and thoughts are invited!

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