Edisto Island, SC July 2011, © Mike Bosco

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A few notes about this week's news...

A few notes about the news…

Well, as usual there is no shortage of spin in the journalistic world.  Remember last week’s full court press coverage of the debt crisis as the “oh no! we can’t borrow anymore money” dead line passed?  It is all but absent in the current headlines.  No more traction with beating the dead debt horse.  So spin to a new hot topic!  Instead, this week’s major story is about Mr. Obama’s telling Israel it should go back to its 1967 borders to gain peace.   But I’m wondering about a smaller, more light hearted story. 

Mr. Obama kicked off his visit to Europe with a stop at his ancestors’ home, the small town of Moneygall in Ireland this week.  This little town was so excited to about his visit!  They brewed special custom Irish beers and even repainted the whole town in preparation for his visit.  The little town rarely gets as much attention as it did this week, and I am more than sure the visit will go down in town history as one of its most memorable events.  I suppose it would be like the president visiting small towns like I live in.  (Oh I forgot.  That only happens when he’s campaigning, and those visits aren’t memorable.)

While this little stop was turned into an anecdote for the evening news , the rest of Mr. Obama’s trip is filled with more of the “Apology Tour” that was kicked off at the start of this presidency.  I mean seriously – who do we think we are being such a successful and powerful nation?  We should definitely do something to make everyone else like us better – like give away the value of our currency, or embrace the socialist agendas that are causing their economic demise! 

The visit includes England, France, the Czech Republic, Turkey…but strangely no visit to Poland where he gave the cold shoulder two years ago when he cancelled a strategic missile defense system to be located there.  He will also go sit in at a G20 summit – to ask what to do with terrorists held in Guantanamo Bay.  Then he will discuss our military role in Afghanistan and Pakistan, but he won’t conform to constitution law regarding our military’s engagement in Libya.  He will go talk about European debt crisis, but won’t consider backing down in his spending agenda here at home.

Here is another curiosity.  Just how many warships did he bring with him to Europe?  When the president went on a similar tour of Asia, several billion dollars were spent on deploying the Navy and other military assets in the Indian Ocean during the visit.  No gunboat diplomacy for Europe?  Or is that what the carrier group off the Libyan coast is…

No doubt, our president must represent our nation in person around the world and in Europe.  However, I wonder if the majority of Americans really want to pay for our president to go overseas and ask other nations what to do with people who attacked our country, how to further devalue our currency so theirs can recover, and get their input on our military policy, so it is what they consider acceptable. 

I wonder:  Could it all have been done in Moneygall around a nice pint of custom brewed beer?  It worked with cops and professors. 

Your comments and reactions are invited!

By the way – special thanks to MSNBC, the Heritage Foundation, and Fox News for their articles and editorials used for researching this post!

1 comment:

Liv Bosco said...

This infuriates me!! The president going to other countries to ask what to do with Terrorists? I thought we had a no tolerance policy? This sickens me more than words can describe. It is obvious that Mr. Obama never saw 911 first hand. Well I did. I smelled the burning bodies and burning rubble. I had to sit up with children who had nightmares. How can we forget this? The people who lost husbands, wives children(yes folks babies died)and family members will certainly never forget. Why doesn't he just order the American people to wear signs around our necks that say we are apathetic please take us over!