I think I just read the absolute best statement about raising the debt ceiling.
“Raising the debt ceiling is akin to an alcoholic having one last drink - sooner or later, the government needs to admit that it has a problem.” Matthew Melchiorre, Competitive Enterprise Institute
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2011/07/29/false-prophets-debt-ceiling-doom/#ixzz1TYtNyY5V
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2011/07/29/false-prophets-debt-ceiling-doom/#ixzz1TYtNyY5V
It is possible that some could be driven to drinking over this whole “debt ceiling” mess. I don’t think I could have ever thought of a better one line than Mr. Melchiorrre's! The imagery of the drunk looking for his last drink is exactly what I see when I look at this administration asking for its one last spending fix – the increase of the debt limit. The president seemingly whined to the American people the other day. He justified his pleas by telling us other presidents have raised the debt ceiling. I’ve heard Tim Geithner say raising the debt ceiling is not really a very big deal; Congress just needs do it. But tonight – more impasse despite all the whining and flying doomsday rhetoric.
Our friends in the Congress are gridlocked on party lines, again. And it looks like its back to square one, again. The more the rhetoric turns up, the more and more this seems like a huge “paper tiger” to me. The latest greatest doomsday saying out of the White House is that the entire financial system of the whole world – the financial welfare of every last man woman and child on the planet – will come to a screeching halt on Tuesday. Seriously – this is the rhetoric we see in the papers, on TV and here in the Internet. At least that’s what I’m seeing out of Jay Carney and almost all of the headlines I read tonight.
Mr. Melchiorre points out a few facts that should bolster some sense of stability in our minds. The annual cost of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid combined are well within the taxes that we collect each year. See the article linked above for the exact numbers he cites. He also says there is $400 Billion in revenue (tax money) left after paying out the whole cost of entitlements. Short version – the United States has no real reason it can’t pay its bills as long as we (specifically our Treasurer Mr. Geithner) prioritizes what has to be paid out.
Here’s the short list of things he can stop paying out. Corporate Bail Outs that are granted under the “Stimulus Package” that has failed to create jobs. He can stop accumulating money for Obamacare. What about delaying or ending foreign aid? How about getting out of the mortgage and banking business completely and letting the market reach some sort of natural equilibrium? He can also sell off assets – like gold. The debt ceiling has absolutely nothing with his choices to pay or not to pay the obligations of the United States of America! It simply stops him from borrowing more money – or specifically, issuing more government debt securities.
Just another interesting fact. The credit rating of the United States has already dropped with some rating agencies. These downgrades have occured over the last few weeks, and interest rates have not changed! Can anyone spell...grandstanding? How about exageration? Maybe deceit...ouch that one hurts huh? The facts seem to show a very differnt picture than what we are being fed from the administration, the left and the media. (Remember they are the ones looking out for the little guy because those Republicans are only for the rich.)
Again – I say all of our government representatives should be ashamed of themselves for making this issue greater than it is. The Democrats are guilty of attempting to motivate people to action by threatening seniors and disabled persons. They know the problem is caused by TOO MUCH SPENDING but refuse to admit it. Republicans are responding to the left's rhetoric and attempting to push through a conditional agreement to raise the debt ceiling to gain political advantage. They are trying to use this moment of fear to achieve long sought political goals like a Balanced Budget Amendment and a cap on the size and scope of government.
This is not the time for more divided, partison politics. It is time to say no more wild and uncontrolled deficit spending. It is time to become fiscally responsible to our grand children and great grand children. It is time for this government to stop attempting to nanny every last facet of life and shrink this government back down into a predictable and manageable entity. It is time to abandon political adjendas and put the welfare of the PEOPLE of the United States first.
As far as I can see, as a Bible believing Christian, there are no signs the world is coming to an end on Tuesday. Obviously, the Lord is well able to do His will at any point in time. That said, based upon what I see in the Bible, there are some signs that He gives us that have nothing to do with the amount of money the United States of America can borrow.
I am sure I can say une'quivocally that nothing will be fixed before Tuesday (at least not fixed well). I think it is also safe to say the sun will rise and people will go about their normal business on Tuesday too. Why not stop all the rhetoric about the world crashing down and find some real solutions?
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