Edisto Island, SC July 2011, © Mike Bosco

Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Anniversary to Common Sense Revisited!

Happy Anniversary to Common Sense Revisited!

Well, it’s been a year since I started writing this blog.  I started out with the idea that I was getting too political on Face Book.  That and my Dad put the idea in my head that I could make a couple bucks with AdSense.  The grand total sum of $1.87 sits in my Google account – so much for the making a buck!

Seriously, over the last year we as Americans have seen several significant changes happen in our government and in our society.  Some were good, others not so good.  Unfortunately, I think our nation is suffering from the not so good things more than it is growing from the good.  

The conservative, traditional values system is under attack in our country.  Political polarization has reached an all time high.  The press too is polarized.  It would almost be appropriate for journalists to identify themselves by only wearing blue in public.  If not for bloggers, talk radio hosts, and Fox News, the Right would have no media presence at all.

Year two of this blog will bear witness to what is going to be one of the most pivotal presidential elections in history.  This election is more than just whether or not Mr. Obama will retain his 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue address.  It is more than whether or the Left or Right will have political control of the government.  It is a question of values, and of the future of these United States.

History shows a very similar pattern of events during the late 1840’s and into the 1850’s.  The subjects were different, but the rhetoric and partisan polarity were not that different than what we see today.  This government seeks to control individual liberty with the same intensity and fury as the government of the 1850’s sought to control the rights of states to govern themselves.  Folks, I do not say lightly that if we as a republic continue on the path of bigger government, socialist ideology, and liberal values against the will of the people, we too will be facing civil war in our lifetime.

I know, the knee-jerk reaction is that Mike is going off the cliff with this, but take a look at something interesting.  National political polls say the majority of Americans favor same-sex marriage yet every state where a public vote has been taken to ban same-sex marriage, it is banned.  Why the disconnect?  Simple.  The majority voice of the people is not being heard by the pollsters.  The people paying for the polls don’t want the truth to become a headline.  It discredits them, and takes momentum away from their objective. 

And who are the people running these polls?  They aren’t the corporate elite, Wall Street bankers or independently wealthy which are targeted by groups like Occupy.  The big money is found with uber-liberals like Arianna Huffington and George Sorros, who collectively control the majority of the news media in the United States today.  Time to realize that the socialist movement is highly funded, highly structured, and highly organized and seeks to eliminate individual liberty in this country.  It will stop at nothing until it is successful, even if the majority of people are against it.  That my friends is the objective of the Left today.

Feel differently?  Please leave a comment!  Opposing thoughts and viewpoints are always welcome!

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